Dynamic Time


Un plugin simple de hojas de tiempo y tarjetas de tiempo basado en calendario para tu sitio web de WordPress. Esta hoja de tiempo de WordPress puede registrar horas y notas en horarios semanales, quincenales, mensuales o bimensuales, incluyendo cálculos automáticos de horas extra. Dynamic Time es compatible con dispositivos móviles e integra usuarios existentes de WordPress.


Automatic Overtime calculations, configurable by user, even across pay periods

Múltiples registros de tiempo por día con entrada predictiva

Fully Configurable Pay Periods, including notes & bonus amount field

Proceso de aprobación entre usuario, supervisor y nómina

Integración automática de usuarios con los usuarios existentes de WordPress

Correos de recordatorio para empleados y supervisores

Funciones PRO

Categorías personalizadas – Soporta categorías personalizadas de Permiso Pagado (PP) y categorías regulares

PP Bancos – Con acumulaciones anuales automáticas

Pad de firma – Compatible con dispositivos móviles y de escritorio

Herramientas de reporte – Filtra y totaliza entradas de tiempo

Exportación CSV – Compatible con Excel

Geolocalización – Ubica los registros de los empleados en un mapa


Este complemento está disponible en los siguientes idiomas:
– Inglés
– Español
– Rumano
– Italiano
– Francés
– Alemán
– Portugués
– Neerlandés


  • Hoja de horas configurada para un período de pago quincenal
  • Página de configuración con la lista de usuarios de entradas


  1. Suba los archivos del complemento al directorio / wp-content / plugins / dynamic-time , o instale el complemento a través de la pantalla de los complementos de WordPress directamente.
  2. Active el complemento a través de la pantalla \ ‘Complementos \’ en WordPress
  3. Visita Dynamic Time desde el menú de administración de WordPress para configurar los ajustes

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Este plugin tiene un límite de usuario?

Este complemento funciona con un número ilimitado de usuarios / empleados.

¿Cómo comienzan los usuarios?

Para comenzar, los usuarios solo necesitan un inicio de sesión de WordPress y la URL a la página donde se pega el código corto. Una vez que ahorran tiempo, se mostrará a los administradores en la página de administración de Dynamic Time.

¿Tengo que usar el shortcode [dynamicTime]?

No, si sus usuarios tienen acceso al panel de WordPress, pueden hacer clic en Tiempo dinámico en el menú principal de WordPress. Si un usuario no es un administrador, solo verá su tarjeta de tiempo en esta página.

¿Puede esto funcionar como una aplicación móvil?

Para crear un acceso directo en la pantalla de inicio de un dispositivo móvil que haga que una URL aparezca como una aplicación, puedes usar la funcionalidad Agregar a la pantalla de inicio en los navegadores móviles:
Primero, abre la página donde está publicado el shortcode de Dynamic Time.
Para iPhone/Safari: Toca el ícono de Compartir (un cuadrado con una flecha hacia arriba).
Para Android/Chrome: Toca el Menú (tres puntos verticales).
Selecciona Agregar a la pantalla de inicio.
Toca Agregar. El acceso directo aparecerá en la pantalla de inicio como una aplicación.

¿Cómo me aseguro de que las tarifas de tiempo y pago sean privadas?

WordPress administrators (with list_users permission) can see all users’ time and pay rates. If a user is not an administrator or an assigned supervisor to someone else, they will only be able to see their own timecard. Any user that views the page where the shortcode lives will be redirected to login first.

¿Por qué no puedo enviar mi tarjeta de tiempo para su aprobación?

Los usuarios no pueden enviar tiempo hasta aproximadamente una semana dentro del período de tiempo que finaliza. Esto es para evitar que los usuarios envíen tiempo accidentalmente demasiado pronto. Si es un administrador, puede omitir este requisito viendo la tarjeta de tiempo desde la página de administración de Dynamic Time.

¿Recibirán los supervisores una notificación de que se envía una tarjeta de tiempo?

Yes, supervisors can be assigned to every user, also a payroll admin can be assigned as a whole. If a supervisor is assigned, an email will be sent to them when a user submits a pay period for approval. If a payroll admin is assigned, an email will be sent to them when a supervisor approves a user’s pay period.

¿Los supervisores requieren un rol específico?

Los supervisores no están obligados a tener un rol específico, aunque proporcionar acceso al panel de WordPress (mínimo rol de Lector con la capacidad de moderar comentarios) permitirá que los usuarios asignados al supervisor se muestren en una lista.

Biweekly time period does not span the correct week

If your schedule is set to Biweekly, you may alter the beginning week as an admin by clicking the setting icon near the dates at the top of the pay period. Once the period is correct, save the time card. This will reset the bi-weekly period for all users.

¿Puedo agregar más etiquetas de tiempo en lugar de solo Reg (Tiempo regular) y PTO (Tiempo de pago pagado)?

El complemento se diseñó en torno a unos pocos tipos de tiempo, Reg, PTO y horas extras automáticas. Si se necesitan más categorizaciones o etiquetas, recomendamos utilizar la sección de notas (en cada entrada de tiempo) como un campo adicional. En la versión PRO, se ofrece un menú desplegable adicional para la categorización y se pueden filtrar las secciones de notas.

¿Por qué no puedo encontrar un usuario en el menú del supervisor?

Si tiene más de 1000 usuarios, el complemento mostrará los últimos 1000 usuarios activos en el menú desplegable de supervisor. Si un usuario no aparece en la lista, haga que ese usuario inicie sesión en WordPress y luego vuelva a cargar la página de administración de Dynamic Time.

¿Cómo elimino usuarios?

La gestión de usuarios se realiza a través de los perfiles de usuario nativos de WP. No es necesario eliminar usuarios, ya que los usuarios inactivos se caerán de la lista de entrada principal si no se recibe la hora en el último mes. Para reducir los datos de pérdida accidental, Dynamic Time no elimina automáticamente los datos de entrada de tiempo si se elimina un usuario de WP.

¿Cómo elimino entradas?

Para eliminar una entrada de tiempo previamente guardada en el modo de entrada simple, solo escribe -0 (cero negativo) en el campo de horas. Para eliminar una entrada en el modo detallado, ajusta las horas de entrada y salida a la misma hora.

¿Cómo se calculan las horas extra?

Las horas extraordinarias se designan en el menú desplegable de estado, junto al nombre de cada usuario. Hay dos tipos de horas extras admitidas, ‘FLSA estándar’ y ‘California’. FLSA considera las horas extras como tiempo y medio por horas trabajadas que exceden las 40 / horas por semana. California considera el tiempo extra como tiempo y medio por horas trabajadas que exceden las 8 horas / día o 40 horas / semana. El estado ‘Exento’ no se aplicará a las horas extras bajo ninguna condición.

¿Puedo cambiar el color de la tarjeta de tiempo?

El color principal de la tarjeta de tiempo en el frontend se puede cambiar declarando la variable CSS `–dyt_clr`. Por ejemplo, al pegar `:root{–dyt_clr:darkred!important}` debajo del shortcode de la tarjeta de tiempo, la tarjeta se mostrará en color rojo oscuro.

¿Dónde puedo obtener más información sobre Dynamic Time PRO?

Dynamic Time PRO proporciona herramientas de reporte útiles para grupos grandes de empleados, incluyendo la capacidad de copiar y pegar datos en Excel, vistas generales basadas en tablas y búsqueda en los campos de notas de los empleados.


16 de enero de 2025
I am unaware of ANY other WP plug that can do what Dynamic Time can do. The support – even for the free version – is FAST, USA-based and very helpful. I bought the PRO version for one of my clients and they are very happy with being able to run their own mini-payroll system by themselves on a custom WP site I built. Once you become familiar with the numerous settings controls, you’re off and running!
3 de marzo de 2023
Rhett and the team are very responsive and gracious with their time. While I’ll only installed the plugin on a testing site at this time, Rhett is making it more likely to go into production and more likely to move over to the pro version. The plugin is user-friendly, customizable, and adaptable to different industries and requirements. It provides appropriate security measures to safeguard sensitive data on a user-role basis. Dynamic Time has a responsive support team and resources to assist users whenever they encounter issues. This plugin will likely boost productivity and transparency for the company it is planned for, saving time and resources that are currently be incurred through manual time tracking.
25 de agosto de 2022
We originally got this plugin for one of our websites and had some addition features that we wanted to be added for our company. Rhett took every request that we asked for and made it a reality and now this is the perfect addition to our company that does everything we need it to! Great support from a great team!
19 de agosto de 2022 1 respuesta
This has some nice functionality built into it. There is a bug that doesn’t allow a time sheet to be corrected to 0 time in a week. Let’s say the employee was on unpaid time off for a week but accidentally entered a day of time. When the payroll admin fixes it by deleting the value or changing it to zero you will find that the change doesn’t save. For some reason it will not allow a week to have 0 hours. Another bug is that after submitting, processing, approving, a timesheet and then you click the “return to admin” link you will find that the change you submitted isn’t reflected on that main screen. Should add a step to refresh the data on that screen. This solution has a lot less configurable options than some others I’ve looked at. Although out of the box it seems to have what most would need. It’s just not fully adaptable maybe to everyone’s needs. Some reporting/accounting features and more timesheet settings and display options would make this incredible
10 de febrero de 2022
I was looking for a time sheet plugin, and this one is excellent for what my team needs! Pros of Dynamic Time: Define your time/pay period, such as biweekly, monthly, etc. My team uses the monthly option. Users can edit their own time sheets. This is perfect for teams that trust their workers to correctly edit their hours, such as trusted contractors. Users submit their time sheets for approval. Most importantly, users can only edit their own hours, not other users’ hours. Workers and supervisors can print out time sheets. My Reasons to Choose Dynamic Time instead of All-In-One Time Clock: Workers only being able to edit their own hours seems like it should be obvious, but I encountered an issue when I previously tried the All-In-One Time Clock Lite plugin. The issue was that my team’s workers all have the capability of editing posts, so that we use our WordPress posts as a company wiki. (This was accomplished using the Members plugin to create a Wiki Author role that can edit posts but not pages). So, the issue with All-In-One Time Clock Lite was that it gives access to editing user shifts to any user who can edit posts, which resulted in our users being able to edit each other’s shifts. This was a deal breaker for my company being able to use the All-In-One Time Clock plugin. I was pleased that Dynamic Time offers such excellent features to be able to see the hours throughout the pay period very clearly for both the worker and the supervisor. This is much better for our company. Cons: At the time of this writing, the plugin does not appear to have been tested with the latest version of WordPress. I hope the developer will fix this in the near future. User interface/user experience feels a bit clunky. It only takes maybe 5-15 minutes to get used to the interface, but that can seem like a long time for potential customers examining the plugin. (I recommend the developer check out the TeamTime app for Basecamp for ideas of how to improve user interface/user experience.) I think the 1-star “poor punch in punch out for employee” review was due to the UI/UX turning a customer away; also, though Dynamic Time now offers a punch-in/punch-out only feature, it does not look as nice as competitor punch-in/punch-out time clocks; this can turn customers away from the greater functionality of Dynamic Time. Style. Similar to user experience, I recommend some improvements to the style of the plugin’s time sheets so that they look more appealing. (I used the Code Snippets plugin to add CSS that removes the dropdown option for PTO, since my small hobby business doesn’t use paid time off, and the dropdown containing PTO just occupies space and makes the time sheet look more clunky without offering any useful feature for our company at this time. Fortunately, CSS did the trick. I might try using CSS to improve the appearance of other portions of the time sheet, as well, at some point.) Printout shows the site brand/favicon much too large. This is because my site used a large favicon size (so that it looks good on all displays). The printout fails to reduce the favicon size for the purpose of printing. This results in the favicon occupying nearly a whole page of the printout. This is a small nitpick, because it is a great feature just to allow such easy printing of the timesheet. These cons are all pretty small concerns, overall. I write these as opportunities for improvement, for the developer to consider. Since these are small concerns, I still give this plugin a perfect score rating for solving my team’s needs.
27 de abril de 2021
This plug in provides a great online timesheet system. The support and service offered is exceptional. Queries have been responded to very quickly and in a very easy to understand way. I recommend this plug in to anyone seeking an online timesheet system.
Leer todas las 21 reseñas

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Registro de cambios


  • Mobile scroll minor updates.


  • JS improvements to loading.


  • JS warning fix, minor updates.


  • Mail function updates, creation of reminder emails. Itemized entry view improvements. Translation refinements. Introduced Dutch translations.


  • Bug fix to user level entry type. Layout tweaks, Translation updates.


  • Mobile improvements.


  • Period note improvements & support for URLs, additional subtotals, mobile CSS tweaks


  • User filter, setting module placement.


  • Compatibility with WP 6.7


  • Action button display updates. Print view improvements.


  • Cal display improvements.


  • JS load improvements.


  • Dependency fix for IntlDateFormatter


  • Addt translations


  • Minor bug fixes.


  • Addt translations, minor improvements


  • Language Support (es, ro, it, fr, de, pt)


  • Support for Geolocation


  • Compatibility with WP 6.6


  • Adjusted nonce check logic.


  • Bug fixes to newline rendering in note fields.


  • Updates to setup and hour input increments.


  • Minor updates to pdf print.


  • Minor bug fixes to pto.


  • Bug fixes, Visual enhancements, support for split bank pto.


  • Minor bug fixes to profile links, permissions, and name cache.


  • PTO category improvements.


  • Removal of legacy code. Minor bug fixes.


  • Improvements to deleted user handling & archival. Minor bug fixes.


  • Bug fixes to user level period length.


  • Improvements to display-all option, name fetching, and deleted users.


  • Minor improvements and readme updates.


  • Improved diagnostics.


  • Minor improvements to current period submission logic, current signer assignment.


  • CSS refinements. Predictive entry toggle. Entry default control improvements. Punch setting bug fixes.


  • Bug fixes for contributor role in admin view. Persistent settings fix.


  • JS bug fixes for time period cycling.


  • Signature pad support. Print view improvements. Numerous bug fixes. Setup refinements. Rendering improvements and shortcode max_width option. Highlight current day timezone fix. Exempt defaults.


  • Allow rate values more than 99.99.


  • Readme SEO updates.


  • Use WP site title in approval email instead of from Dynamic Time.


  • Compatibility with WP 6.3


  • Fix for excessive backslash escape chars in notes and categories.


  • New period per user to default to last created user period.


  • Setup improvements.


  • Improved user filter for entry module.


  • Bug fix to summary timestamps in admin view.


  • CSS admin icons, ensure no text-decoration applies.


  • Stability improvements. Change logic retrieving last submitted and approved timestamps in entry module.


  • UDF sql prepare() bug fix.


  • Bug fix: Re-escape chars in notes.


  • Bug fix: Approval timestamps. Updated query function for period data.


  • Addition of human date to period table. Various bug fixes affecting period end timestamps and user period dates.


  • Misc var escaping. Consolidated SQL prepare into UDF. View notes on entry hover. Switch df_date generation from JS to PHP for consistency between users.


  • Obtain current day from php instead of JS.


  • Added CSS classes to calendar days.


  • CSS bug fix to nav buttons.


  • Update to biweekly period adjustment setup.


  • Punch only entry setting JS bug fixes.


  • General improvements. User dropdown menu bug fixes.


  • Multisite compatibility. Overtime bug fixes. PRO Upgrade improvements. Biweekly schedule sync to admin. Submitting & Approving IP logging.