Etiqueta del plugin: refresh
Merge + Minify + Refresh
(68 total de valoraciones)Merges/Concatenates CSS & Javascript and then minifies using Minify (for CSS) and Google Closure (for JS with Minify as a fallback).
Force Refresh
(12 total de valoraciones)Force Refresh is a simple plugin that allows you to force a page refresh for users currently visiting your site on a per-page or post basis.
Ajaxify Comments – Ajax and Lazy Loading Comments
(90 total de valoraciones)Ajaxify Comments hooks into native WordPress comments and allows comment posting without reloading the page.
Easy Auto Reload – Auto Refresh WP
(1 total de valoraciones)Automatically refreshes your WordPress site at specified intervals to maintain session integrity and enhance user engagement.
Live Auto Refresh
(4 total de valoraciones)Instantly reloads the browser when any theme file code is edited during development or when a content edit is saved.
Customizer Refresh
(0 total de valoraciones)Add a button that refreshes the live preview in the WordPress Customizer.
Merge + Minify + Refresh Check DIVI
(1 total de valoraciones)Disable MMR when editing a page using the DIVI editor.
Merge + Minify + Refresh Check Visual Composer
(0 total de valoraciones)Disable MMR when editing a page using the Visual Composer editor.
LH Fresh Content
(0 total de valoraciones)LH Fresh Content checks if the page visitted is stale (or has been updated) and updates it in the background or alerts the visitor.
WP Scripts Updater
(1 total de valoraciones)Update Wordpress scripts and add some new by using this plugin.
Pull To Resfresh
(3 total de valoraciones)Pull To Refresh for the web. Pull to refresh for Wordpress is cool plugin that adds Pull to Refresh feature for your web page.
Force Transient Refresh
(0 total de valoraciones)Clear all transients by adding a query string parameter (?ftr) to whatever URL you are trying to load. Not for use in production.
Trigger Browsersync
(3 total de valoraciones)Integrates WordPress with Browsersync to trigger events like Reload when you edit pages and settings.
Merge + Minify + Refresh Check Beaver Builder
(0 total de valoraciones)Disable MMR when editing a page using the Beaver Builder editor.