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  • Versión 1.1.1
  • Última actualización 11 julio, 2024
  • Instalaciones activas 100+
  • WordPress version 5.3
  • PHP version 5.6

NewsFor is a distinctive performance-optimized, clean, responsive and multi-layout highly organized WordPress magazine or news theme which is made to be used by online magazines, newspapers, editors, journalists, publishing units, bloggers, informative sites, educational websites, content writers, digital news media and other similar websites. NewsFor is built with Awesome Features, and Engineered for the pros and Crafted for the up-and-comers. NewsFor is optmized along with its cross browser compatiblity make your site attractive and eye catching in any browser and different variations of devices screen size. Build taking SEO, speed & content management in mind. Additional features from plugins like Booster Extension, assisting you to maintain direct connection to your user or reader. Demo :https://live-demo.themeinwp.com/newsfor

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Instalaciones activas: 100+