Transform your news site into BBC, CNN, or The New York Times in a snap with LocalNews Theme. With the perfect mix of all the right elements, you’ll get a theme that provides a tailor-made system that ticks every checkbox any aspiring news site needs. Quicker setup with beautiful pre-built layouts, breaking news on the ticker, fast page loading speed, and custom news blocks for different sections – all available in LocalNews Theme. Check out all pre built demos at: https://blazethemes.com/theme/local-news-free
Estilos del editor de bloques, Blog, Fondo personalizado, Colores personalizados, Cabecera personalizada, Menú personalizado, Entretenimiento, Imágenes destacadas, Cabecera flexible, Widgets del pie de página, Plantilla de ancho completo, Layout de cuadrícula, Barra lateral izquierda, Noticias, Una columna, Post formats, Right sidebar, RTL language support, Sticky post, Theme options, Threaded comments, Translation ready, Two columns
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This theme is available in the following languages: English (US) y .Русский.