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JetBlack Intro

JetBlack Intro

Este es un tema hijo de JetBlack.

  • Versión 1.1.3
  • Última actualización 31 julio, 2023
  • Instalaciones activas 100+
  • WordPress version 5.7
  • PHP version 7.3

Our new JetBlack Intro child theme is designed to work seamlessly with our popular JetBlack WordPress theme. While inheriting all the functionality and features of the parent theme, JetBlack Intro offers a distinctive header design. This versatile WordPress theme is suitable for any type of business and offers a sleek, modern look that will help your website stand out. With customizable options and a smooth design, JetBlack Intro is sure to attract new visitors. It is also optimized for fast loading and is fully responsive. You can easily import demo content using the one-click demo importer plugin. For even more flexible functionality, you can upgrade to the premium version of the theme. Visit https://fireflythemes.com/support for support, https://fireflythemes.com/documentation/jetblack-intro for theme documentation and https://demo.fireflythemes.com/jetblack for demo.

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Instalaciones activas: 100+


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