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Este tema no se ha actualizado en más de 2 años. Puede que ya no pueda ser mantenido o soportado y puede tener problemas de compatibilidad si se utiliza con las versiones más recientes de WordPress.

  • Versión 1.0.4
  • Última actualización 20 diciembre, 2022
  • Instalaciones activas 100+
  • WordPress version 5.9
  • PHP version 5.6

Hyakutake is free Block based theme for full site editing. It is first full site editing theme by FireFly Themes. This theme is packed with ready to use blog pattern, you will just have to drag and drop pattern to desired area. There are also various template parts and templates available in theme. Hyakutake is multipurpose dark theme, with different customizable patterns you can build a modern website in few clicks. The theme is suitable for any kind of business and is very flexible. Hyakutake has clean design with updated secure codes. There are 3 Template parts, 9 Templates12 different block patterns. Some of block patterns are, 404 Error Page, Archive Title, Default Footer, Default Header, Hero Content, Latest News, Main Banner, Post Title, Recent Works, Services, Sidebar and What We Do. All the block patterns, templates and template parts are highly customizable and beautifully adapts all screen sizes. Do download Hyakutake today and explore word of Full site editing.


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Instalaciones activas: 100+


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