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ExS Tech

ExS Tech

Este tema no se ha actualizado en más de 2 años. Puede que ya no pueda ser mantenido o soportado y puede tener problemas de compatibilidad si se utiliza con las versiones más recientes de WordPress.

Este es un tema hijo de ExS.

  • Versión 1.0.0
  • Última actualización 25 marzo, 2022
  • Instalaciones activas 100+
  • WordPress version 5.5
  • PHP version 5.6

Fast and extremely customizable multipurpose child theme for ExS WordPress theme. If you need a tech or technology design then this theme will be the best choice for you. It would be a great choice for IT and gadget online shops. It is designed to have 100% Google Page and LightHouse speed. It has an extra small size of CSS and JS assets, 100% SEO optimised and valid code and it is 100% mobile friendly. It also has a WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) plugin support so it will be perfect solution for your online store and e-commerce business. bbPress extended support makes ExS theme perfect for your forum. BuddyPress and Ultimate member support will help to create your social network with ExS theme. WP Job manager and Simple Job Board support will help you to create your job board. The Events Calendar advanced support will help you to create your events site. LearnPress plugin advanced support will help you to create a online courses and online school site. It has unlimited color options, headers and footers layouts, 15+ blog layouts, separate layouts for each category and many more super useful features that you can set up directly in your Customizer with live preview. ExS Tech theme has builtin multiple page templates to perfectly work with any page builder such as Elementor, Beaver Builder, WPBackery, Brizy etc. Theme Demo: https://demos2.exsthemewp.com/child-tech/.

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Instalaciones activas: 100+


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This theme is available in the following languages: English (US), Nederlands, Svenska, y Українська.

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