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Business Capital Construction

Business Capital Construction

Este tema no se ha actualizado en más de 2 años. Puede que ya no pueda ser mantenido o soportado y puede tener problemas de compatibilidad si se utiliza con las versiones más recientes de WordPress.

Este es un tema hijo de Business Capital.

  • Versión 1.0.0
  • Última actualización 23 junio, 2022
  • Instalaciones activas 100+
  • WordPress version 5.6
  • PHP version 7.3

Business Capital Construction is a unique flexible, Construction and Business WordPress theme with fresh design. This theme is suitable for all kinds of construction websites including design and architectural firms. It is a child theme of our multipurpose theme Business Capital. It inherits features of its parent theme Business Capital but design wise it is quite different as it focuses more on construction business. This responsive theme comes with powerful features and functionalities like Slider, Hero Content, Featured Grid, Testimonials, Contact form, What we do and much more options. With these top-notch features you can easily turn this construction theme to any other business website too. For reference to build your website you can always look at the demo.Download Business Capital today and build your website. Visit https://fireflythemes.com/support for support, https://fireflythemes.com/documentation/business-capital for theme documentation and https://fireflythemes.com/preview/?demo=business-capital-construction for demo.

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Instalaciones activas: 100+


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This theme is available in the following languages: English (US) y .Nederlands.

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