Etiqueta del plugin: popup
WP LightPics
(1 total de valoraciones)Display every image form with the classic wordpress media pattern with lightbox.
Scroll popup html content ads
(0 total de valoraciones)This plugin allows you to build and show a scrolling popup using HTML div. You can locate the scrolling popup in a corner of a web page.
Popup on Click
(0 total de valoraciones)Plugin provides a possibility to display content in a popup window after user clicks on a triggering link.
Easy Animated Popup
(1 total de valoraciones)Setup and create an animated popup in seconds, increase lead and conversions for your website.
Add Popup To TinyMCE
(0 total de valoraciones)A simple plugin that helps you add a pop up to your tiny mce
Yeloni Customizable Popup for Mailchimp
(0 total de valoraciones)This plugin lets you create Email Subscription Popups using Mailchimp. You can customize the design and configure behavior of the popup.
jQuery Daily Pop Up
(0 total de valoraciones)Daily Pop Up is a fullscreen popup using only jQuery framework aims to display a page in full screen POP UP superset of the original page.
Video Lightbox WooCommerce
(0 total de valoraciones)Integrates Video Lightbox plugin with WooCommerce
Notification Box Lite Version
(1 total de valoraciones)Display an awesome notification box on either the bottom right or bottom left corner of your website.
PopForms Lite
(0 total de valoraciones)PopForms is a Material Design WordPress modal form Set including Five Exclusive material design form like contact form, forgot password form, subscrib …
dream popup
(0 total de valoraciones)Dream Popup is a Perfect solution for any WordPress website. With a wide range of WordPress popup types, conditions, and events (From Image Popup to C …
LR Feedback
(0 total de valoraciones)Allows users to submit feedback anywhere on the site using fixed Popup feedback button.
WP Gratify-Socialproofing
(0 total de valoraciones)WP Gratify socialproofing is a plugin used to promote specific content in your website. Socialproof can be of any form including testimonials & re …
Web Notification Bar
(0 total de valoraciones)Show notification bar on the front end for wordpress.
Image Modal
(0 total de valoraciones)This plugin adds a modal lightbox effect to images within the post content, allowing users to view larger versions of images without leaving the post.
Innovation List Shortcode
(0 total de valoraciones)Add [list-posts-innovation] shortcode which enables you to output anywhere in your page or post.
Simple CallToAction PopUp
(0 total de valoraciones)This plugin allows you to create a simple popup for various purposes and insert a shortcode on the page anywhere