Etiqueta del plugin: next
Ambrosite Next/Previous Post Link Plus
(49 total de valoraciones)Upgrades the next/previous post link functions to reorder or loop adjacent post navigation links, display post thumbnails, and customize link format.
Ambrosite Next/Previous Page Link Plus
(7 total de valoraciones)Creates two new template tags for generating next/previous page navigation links.
Loop Post Navigation Links
(12 total de valoraciones)Template tags (for use in single.php) to create post navigation loop (previous to first post is last post; next/after last post is first post).
Smarter Navigation
(10 total de valoraciones)Generates more specific previous / next post links based on referrer.
Post Navigator
(11 total de valoraciones)Adds simple navigation tools to the admin area when editing or creating posts, allowing for quick and time saving navigation
NextPage Buttons
(4 total de valoraciones)The NextPage button is a simple plugin that brings back the NextPage button in the WordPress editor toolbar.
Pager Widget
(2 total de valoraciones)Prints "Parent | Previous | Next" links to navigate between pages at the same level in the page hierarchy (and up to the parent page).
WP Single Post Navigation Within Category
(3 total de valoraciones)The plugin adds navigation links on a signle post to the previous or next post within the current category
Linchpin – PrevNextPage
(1 total de valoraciones)Create sibling page links. Similar to next_post_link() & previous_post_link() but for pages. Great for utilizing Wordpress for Presentations or it …
DS Woocommerce Next Previous Category Products
(0 total de valoraciones)Woocommerce plugin which enables Next and Previous Navigation on product detail page. This plugin will show the navigation if the products has been ad …
(2 total de valoraciones)Inifinite scrolling plugin. Choose from Load on scroll, Load more button and Ajax Pagination. Includes scroll to top and opt-out button.
Next / Previous Product for Woocommerce FREE version
(0 total de valoraciones)This free plugin shows next and previous product in single product view in same category. Installation Simply upload the .
MP Post Navigation
(0 total de valoraciones)The plugin adds navigation links between articles of same category. Optimized for responsive, SEO and ergonomics.
Show Next Upcoming Post
(1 total de valoraciones)SNUP-Widget Plugin for Wordpress that the show next upcoming post, featured image, teaser text and published date.
Intuitive Navigation
(0 total de valoraciones)Creates navigation to next and previous posts based on the category or tag a visitor came from.
Retain Author
(1 total de valoraciones)Prevent mixing authors in your next and previous post links.
Next Purchase Discount for WooCommerce
(0 total de valoraciones)Enable your users to gain discounts for their next purchase based on the total of their order.
Page navigation by menu
(0 total de valoraciones)Create navigation to next/previous pages similar to navigation for posts. Previous and next pages are determined from menu.