Etiqueta del plugin: bot
Chatbot for WordPress by ⚡️
(38 total de valoraciones)Chatbots without AI are the easiest way to collect leads & data from visitors. Create a free chatbot without coding using
Conditional CAPTCHA
(34 total de valoraciones)Asks commenters to complete a simple CAPTCHA if they don't have a previously approved comment, or if Akismet thinks their comment is spam.
ChatBot – WP AI Chat Bot Plugin, Best AI Bot For WordPress
(8 total de valoraciones)Chatbot for WP, using a ChatGPT-like AI to self-learn and create replies. Easy training based on the website content. Quick setup, easy installation.
ChatBot for Woocommerce – WoowBot
(19 total de valoraciones)ChatBot for WooCommerce. Simple & native WooCommerce ChatBot helps shoppers find products easily & Increase Sales! AI, ChatGPT available with PRO
Device Detector
(2 total de valoraciones)Full featured analytics reporting and management tool that detects all devices accessing your WordPress site.
En Spam
(7 total de valoraciones)Block spam with cookies and JavaScript. All Spambots will remain away from your blog. Without settings or Captcha, install and forget the spam.
Cloak Front End Email
(4 total de valoraciones)Cloak / Obfuscate your email address with JavaScript in a simple short code [email].
WP-PostViews Plus
(3 total de valoraciones)Enables You To Display How Many Times A Post Had Been Viewed By User Or Bot.
Block via WordPress robots.txt
(0 total de valoraciones)Blocks the bots through the WordPress virtual robots.txt file.
Advanced Invisible Anti-Spam
(7 total de valoraciones)Block bots without annoying captchas. Cache friendly solution with rotating keys! Blocks comment, registration, and bbpress spam. Activate and done!
Serviceform Pixel
(0 total de valoraciones)Serviceform Pixel plugin enables users to easily add the Serviceform pixel to their WordPress website. User data is managed as per the terms and condi …
Gobot – Sales Boosting Chatbot
(58 total de valoraciones)Free chatbot that proactively converts visitors into customers, instantly answers customer questions, grows your email list, collects actionable feedb …
(10 total de valoraciones)Kills spam-bots, leaves humans standing. No CAPTCHAS, no math questions, no passwords, just spam blocking that stops spam-bots dead in their tracks.
Comm100 Live Chat & Chatbot
(8 total de valoraciones)Secure & flexible AI-powered live chat & omnichannel customer engagement – Includes live chat, audio & video chat, email, ticketing, SMS, …
Subiz – Live chat
(12 total de valoraciones)Install Subiz live chat plugin and provide instant support for visitors to your website!
Spam Protection Without Captcha
(3 total de valoraciones)Protect Login, Register, Lost & Reset Password, Comment, woocommerce, CF7, bbpress, BuddyPress forms.
Block Chat GPT via robots.txt
(1 total de valoraciones)Blocks the ChatGPT-User bot that is used by plugins in ChatGPT to crawl websites through the WordPress virtual robots.txt file
bodi0`s Bots visits counter
(5 total de valoraciones)Counts the visits from web spiders, crawlers and bots in your blog, with ability to get the blog rankings.
Block eCommerce Assets via robots.txt
(0 total de valoraciones)Blocks some WooCommerce assets and Search pages that should not be indexed through robots.txt