Etiqueta del plugin: bbPress
Lava Ajax Search
(4 total de valoraciones)Lava Ajax Live Search Provides Ajax live search for posts, custom post type in your WordPress site. It also works for BuddyPress, BBPress search
bbPress – Private Replies
(12 total de valoraciones)A simple plugin to allow your bbPress users to mark their replies as private.
bbPress – Sort topic replies
(6 total de valoraciones)Ordena las respuestas a tus temas en orden ascendente o descendente para cada tempa de bbPress.
bbPress Genesis Extend
(11 total de valoraciones)Provides basic compatibility with bbPress and the Genesis Framework with a few extra goodies.
Pushover Notifications for WordPress
(14 total de valoraciones)Pushover Notifications allows your WordPress site to send push notifications straight to your iOS/Android device.
Post Comments as bbPress Topics
(18 total de valoraciones)Replace the comments on your WordPress blog posts with topics from an integrated bbPress install
bbPress forum utility pack
(1 total de valoraciones)This is a utility plugin that nifty to support the management of bbpress. However, some features are the Japanese version only.
bbp user ranking
(11 total de valoraciones)For bbPress – Lets you add ranking and badges to topics, replies, and profiles
Turnkey bbPress by WeaverTheme
(2 total de valoraciones)At last! Turnkey bbPress. Beautiful bbPress styles. Essential layout and user/admin usability options. No CSS or PHP coding required.
bbPress Messages
(11 total de valoraciones)bbPress Messages – Simple yet powerful private messaging system tailored for bbPress.
bbPress Members Only
(5 total de valoraciones)bbPress Members Only restricts Your bbPress forums to logged in/registered members.
bbPress – Report Content
(10 total de valoraciones)Give your bbPress forum users the ability to report inappropriate content or spam in topics or replies.
(1 total de valoraciones)Adds Google’s No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA to bbPress forms.
Gator Cache
(36 total de valoraciones)A better, stronger, faster page cache for WordPress. Performance that's easy to manage.
bbPress2 BBCode
(6 total de valoraciones)This plugin adds support for popular bbcode forum code to posts, comments, pages, bbpress 2.0 forums and buddypress activity and group forums.
bbPress Notification
(1 total de valoraciones)You will receive mail notification about all bbPress new topic, replies, via multiple customizable email addresses
bbPress – Do Short Codes
(5 total de valoraciones)A simple plugin to enable short codes in bbPress topics and replies.
bbPress Shortcodes
(4 total de valoraciones)The bbPress Shortcodes plugin provides a TinyMCE dropdown button in the visual editor that users can access to use any bbPress shortcodes.
bbPress Multi Image Uploader
(8 total de valoraciones)Upload multiple images to bbPress topics and replies.