

Sublanguage is a multilanguage plugin for wordpress.


  • no duplicated content (untranslated or untranslatable data inherits main language value)
  • no additional database table (translation data is stored in post_meta)
  • no markup added into content (unlike q-translate)
  • no cookies (language is defined solely by URLs, better for SEO)


  • [NEW] support for Gutenberg (beta feature)
  • translation UI for posts content, title, permalink, excerpt and meta (for posts, pages and custom posts)
  • translation UI for terms name, slug and description
  • translation UI for attachments title, caption, description, alt and meta
  • translation UI for nav menus
  • translate localized text
  • translate login, password change, etc.
  • translatability: define which content is translatable or not
  • URL rewrite: translate posts and terms permalinks and child pages path
  • support revisions
  • support multisite
  • extendable


In version 2.9, a security vulnerability (“The plugin settings can be executed by lower privilleged (sic) user”) was reported for Sublanguage. In order to ease the fixing, we chose to permanently remove a few under-used features concerned by this exploit in v 2.10. Please write in the forum if you disagree with this choice.

  • remove automatic upgrade from version 1.x (version 2.0 is now about 10 years old).
  • remove a quick edit button in classic editor that was available width Tinymce Advanced plugin.
  • remove the possibility to translate options (Options translated so far will still works as usual in the front-end, you just no longer can edit translations in the back-end).


Plugin documentation is available on github



  • uggur for Turkish translation


  • Add or edit language screen.
  • Post.php screen with language switch and tinyMCE button for quick interface.
  • Tinymce plugin: quick interface for translation
  • interface with language tabs for medias translation
  • Edit-tags.php screen.
  • Nav-menus.php screen with language custom metabox
  • Options-permalink.php screen with inputs for taxonomy slug or custom post archive slug translation.
  • Minimal UI settings


Este plugin proporciona 1 bloque.

  • Language Manager


Upload and activate the plugin

Add languages

  1. click the “Languages” tab
  2. click the “Add language” sub-tab
  3. choose a language in the list. If it is not in the list, you can just pick any one, then edit the language title, slug and locale code (xx_XX) later
  4. choose the language order (it will affect order in the language switch)
  5. click “Publish”. If you want to keep the language hidden on the front-end while you edit the translations, you can click “Save draft” instead

Add a language switch on the site (within a menu)

  1. click the “Appearance” tab
  2. click the “Menus” sub-tab.
  3. choose or create a menu
  4. click “Screen Options” (top right) and verify “Language” is checked
  5. open the “language” tab on the left, check the checkbox and click “Add to Menu”. Repeat it once for every language.
  6. if you want to organize the language items hierarchically, with the current language as root, you also need to go in the Sublanguage Settings and check “Current language first” checkbox.

Add a language switch in a widgets zone

  1. click the “Appearance” tab
  2. click the “Widgets” sub-tab
  3. Drag “Sublanguage” item in the zone you want

Add a language switch anywhere on the site (for developpers)

  1. Use this function: do_action('sublanguage_print_language_switch');. You can customize HTML output through the filter “sublanguage_custom_switch” (read FAQ for more info).

Add translatable custom post types or custom taxonomies
Plugins or themes may add any number of extra post-type and extra taxonomies. If you can’t figure wether a post type or taxonomy need to be translatable, please ask in the forum.

  1. click the “Settings” tab
  2. click the “Sublanguage” sub-tab
  3. select every post type and every taxonomy you need. For better performance, only select translatable post types and taxonomies.
  4. click “Save Change”
  5. click “Option” link after a post type or taxonomy to access specific options

Translate menu items when your menu is using custom links or item names different from page titles

  1. click the “Settings” tab
  2. click the “Sublanguage” sub-tab
  3. select “Navigation Menu Items” in “Translate Post Type” section
  4. click “Save Change”
  5. click “Edit translations” after “Navigation Menu Items” in “Translate Post Type” section
  6. find the items you need to translate and click to edit

Preguntas frecuentes

How to clean uninstall this plugin?

In menu click on Languages, remove all language custom posts and empty trash. Deleting a language will permanently delete all translations
associated to this language. Deleting main language will not delete original posts.

How to add a language switch on template file ?

Add this function in your template file


How to customize the language switch output?

Add this in your function.php file and customize it:

add_action('sublanguage_custom_switch', 'my_custom_switch', 10, 2);

 * @param array of WP_Post language custom post
 * @param Sublanguage_site $this The Sublanguage instance.
function my_custom_switch($languages, $sublanguage) {

<?php foreach ($languages as $language) { ?>
    <li class="<?php echo $language->post_name; ?> <?php if ($sublanguage->current_language->ID == $language->ID) echo 'current'; ?>">
        <a href="<?php echo $sublanguage->get_translation_link($language); ?>"><?php echo $language->post_title; ?></a>
<?php } ?>


How to have language switch in navigation menus ?

If you are using menus and you want the language switch into a menu,
go to Display > Menu, open option drawer and verify ‘language’ is selected.
Then add as much ‘language item’ as you have languages.
You can even distribute languages on different hierarchy level.
If you need current language to be on the first level and further language on the second, you will also want to check current language first in Settings -> Sublanguage

Post title, content or excerpt does not translate as expected in my theme

First go to Sublanguage>Settings and verify the relevant post type is set to be translatable.

Then verify you are using the proper filters in you template file.

For echoing post title, you need to ensure ´the_title´ filter is called.

// echoing post title inside the loop

// echoing post title outside the loop
echo get_the_title($some_post->ID);

// but...
echo $post->post_title; // -> Does not translate

For echoing post content, you need to ensure ´the_content´ filter is called.

// echoing content inside the loop

// or...
echo apply_filters('the_content', get_the_content());

// but...
echo $post->post_content; // -> Does not translate
echo get_the_content(); // -> Does not translate

// echoing post content outside the loop:
echo apply_filters('sublanguage_translate_post_field', $some_post->post_content, $some_post, 'post_content');

Same for Excerpts.

Permalinks are automatically translated, inside or outside the loop:

// echoing permalink
echo get_permalink($post->ID);

Some texts in my theme do not translate as expected, like ‘Comment’, ‘Leave a Reply’, etc.

In your template files, verify texts are properly localized, and language packages are properly installed.

How can I access the current language for custom usage?

Use the global $sublanguage, like this:

global $sublanguage;
echo $sublanguage->current_language // -> WP_Post object
echo $sublanguage->current_language->post_title; // -> Français
echo $sublanguage->current_language->post_name; // -> fr
echo $sublanguage->current_language->post_content; // -> fr_FR

Alternatively you can use a sublanguage filter to call a user function with $current_language value in parameters:

Function to use in your template file:

echo apply_filters('sublanguage_custom_translate', 'text to translate', 'my_custom_translation', 'optional value');

Code to add in your function.php file:

 * @param string $original_text. Original text to translate.
 * @param WP_Post object $current_language
 * @param mixed $args. Optional arguments
function my_custom_translation($original_text, $current_language, $optional_arg) {

    if ($current_language->post_name == 'fr') {

        return 'texte traduit en français!';


    return $original_text;


Note: of course, for a basic usage like this, you should use the standard localization way: __('text to translate', 'my_domain').

How to translate wordpress options like ‘blog name’ or ‘blog description’ ?

Go to Sublanguage>Translate Options and try to find the corresponding option key. Options may be nested in a data tree.

How to translate texts in widgets?

Go to Sublanguage>Translate Options and find the corresponding widget option name (like ‘widget_somthing’). Expand items with value corresponding to ‘DATA’ until you find the text you need to translate.

How to translate nav menu items?

Your nav menu items that are linked to translated posts, pages or terms should be automatically translated.

If you need to translate custom link or to change the default value for items name, you can select “Nav Menu Item” in “Translate post types” section of Sublanguage settings.
Then open Sublanguage>Nav Menu Item and edit like a normal post.

How to make a custom post-meta value translatable?

Go to Sublanguage settings and select custom post-meta key in the checkbox list under “Translate Meta”. A meta key needs to be at least used once to appear in this list.

How to make post thumbnails translatable (different picture for each language)?

Go to Sublanguage settings and select ‘_thumbnail_id’ in the checkbox list under “Translate Meta”. At least one thumbnail must be set before metakey appears in this list.

How to access language data in javascript for ajax usage ?

Add this action to enqueue a small script to define values in javascript:

add_action('init', 'my_init');

function my_init() {



This will first define a global in javascript. Use console.log(sublanguage) to explore it.

Furthermore, a small script will automatically add a language attribute in every jquery ajax call. You can change this language using sublanguage.current (in javascript). This language will be used if you need to get/update posts/terms using ajax.

How to import/export my blog with translations ?

You cannot export or import using the wordpress builtin tool while Sublanguage is active. It just does not work yet. But this feature will come in a future release.

If you want to create a custom importer for posts and terms, you can use these 2 functions:

do_action( 'sublanguage_import_post', $data);
do_action( 'sublanguage_import_term', $taxonomy, $data);

These functions are documented in sublanguage/include/admin.php. See examples on github.

Will this plugin affect my site performance?

Yes it will, unfortunately. A few more database queries are necessary to load every page.
If performance drops noticeably, you may want to install a cache plugin. Sublanguage have been sucessfully tested with WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache (with default settings).

Sublanguage also works with SQLite Integration plugin.

My language is not in the language list

Use any language instead, then update, then edit language title, slug and locale, then update again.


3 de agosto de 2024 2 respuestas
my only problem was the loss of query-params when I share a link without language-slugi changed redirect_uncanonical in class-site.php: $query_string = parse_url($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], PHP_URL_QUERY);if (!empty($query_string)) $query_string = ‘?’ . $query_string;wp_redirect($url . $query_string); orginal was just wp_redirect($url);//don’t just copy this code ;-P should be done a bit more beautiful but solved my needs
27 de julio de 2023
This is by far the best plugin I found. Simple and minimalist, not too many options and blends in nicely – thats how it should be! Thank you for offering it for free! For future development support for the FSE menus would be necessary I guess.
28 de octubre de 2022
This is definitely the best multi-language plugin in Wordpress world. It’s even better than those paid plugins. It also support Gutenberg block editor. I hope it can be updated because now it can’t translate the navigation menu (Navigation Menus) created by FSE (Full Site Editor).
3 de diciembre de 2021
The plugin was not updated for 8 months, so I’m wondering if others have this problem as well. When switching to a different language, the webpage just keeps loading. It only works sporadically.
13 de abril de 2021
After a pretty long time with no updates, I feared that this plugin was abandoned, BUT after the two recent updates, confirming that the future of “Sublanguage” is bright and real, I am encouraged to post my undoubtedly 5-star review of this plugin, which I’ve been using since 2018 or so. Let me elaborate my review title. You won’t find a fancy interface in “Sublanguage” (no need to), and this is great, because “Sublanguage” goes straight to the point, making this plugin soooo lightweight and fast on the frontend. You are required to do some work on your end to get it configured, probably even after a couple of trial and error testings. But once you master this plugin, the results are highly rewarding on your site. While others don’t allow you to translate urls, or CPTs, or taxonomies, “Sublanguage” allows you to do all this, and MUCH more. The most powerful translating feature requires a little digging into the field names, because you need to translate them from the Translation Options page, but once you get familiar with it, you’ll be able to translate strings you’re not usually allowed to in other translation plugins. Or elements like the menu logo, which is a very hard task to do in other popular paid translation plugins, or even the featured image. You will be able to translate all that as long as you are willing to know “the guts” of your own website. “Sublanguage” is the magic wand, but you are the magician. I’m also positive to say that “Sublanguage” is the fastest translation plugin. Unlike others, you won’t spend that annoying delay time to load translated strings, (other translation plugins load translated strings as if they were “sticky notes” on the source strings and you can see how they change in front of your eyes from the source language to the translated one). “Sublanguage” handles the soooooooooo complicated WordPress translation process in an unbelievably brilliant way. Thank you, Maxime, for not letting us down with this amazing plugin, and for your amazing support every time we need it. Thank you fo mantaining it to WordPress’ critical changes (like you did when Gutenberg came in, or the recent 5.7 one). THANK YOU!!!
Leer todas las 30 reseñas

Colaboradores y desarrolladores

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Registro de cambios


  • Add filter ‘sublanguage_redirect_uncanonical_url’ in class-site.php
  • Fix versioning when registering gutenberg.js script (class-admin-ui.php, line 1954)


  • Fix bug: Automatic conversion of false to array is deprecated in class-admin.php on line 158
  • Fix bug: add_submenu_page function first argument being null in class-admin-ui.php on line 252
  • Fix bug: replace this class “.edit-post-header__settings” with “editor-header__settings” to inject language switch in Gutenberg (Thx @andreinemes)


  • add get_permlink_translation and get_archive_link_translation functions
  • Fix bug when flush after editing a root page
  • Fix bug when editing empty term meta translation
  • remove creation of dynamic property (deprecated in PHP 8.2)
  • remove options translation
  • remove classic editor button
  • remove automatic upgrade from 1.x


  • Fix Bug causing problems when saving posts in block editor, when “custom-fields” not in post supports
  • Replace deprecated js code for block editor API


  • Fix Bug that erase other language content when a post is saved multiple times with Gutenberg.
  • Fix Bug when a post has a translated post_name for main language causing a canonical loop
  • Allow special characters in cpt archive url or slug
  • Activate rewrite also when property is not set when registering post type


  • Fix bug in Sublanguage::catch_translation: in some case (eg. querying posts page) query_vars “page” property become the pagename, leading to 404 error.


  • Fix bug when data is not a string in /js/ajax.js
  • Class Sublanguage_Site now extends Sublanguage_Rewrite instead of Sublanguage_Current
  • Add filter ‘sublanguage_untranslated_meta’ to handle a translation input placeholder
  • Remove trailing slash on translated home url


  • Support revisions in classic editor
  • Partial support revisions in Gutenberg (autosave still bugged)
  • Gutenberg UI remove language manager stupid block
  • Fix bug when using differently parented pages with same slug
  • Fix bug in Gutenberg when saving twice in sub-language
  • Fix bug when inserting empty post and sub-language data not empty
  • Fix permalink correct language slug in Gutenberg


  • Basic support for Gutenberg
  • Fix bug: Force update_post_caches before translating posts
  • Fix bug: only query languages object with status ‘publish’ or ‘draft’ in admin side
  • Add a function (has_post_translation) and a filter (sublanguage_has_post_translation) to detect if a post have a translation
  • A language object can be passed in find_language() function
  • Add hook (sublanguage_search_meta) to filter meta keys searcheable for translation
  • Improved detect http language
  • Use of IETF language tag (“en”, “en-en”, “es-mx”, etc.) to be used for SEO and language detection


  • Fix bug: attachment translations were not correctly displayed when current language is sub.
  • Fix bug: get_post_meta_translation was returning translated value for main language when current language is sub.
  • First language locale value is set to “en_US” instead of “” when language is english
  • Fix translate sample link
  • Verify meta_query parameter is an array in terms_clauses filter
  • Rewrite wp-json rules


  • Fix bug when post or page was not translatable
  • Fix bug: dont translate untranslatable taxonomy
  • Fix bug when a taxonomy was registered without rewrite args
  • Overwrite rewrite rules for pages using every root pages
  • Separate custom post type permalink base and archive slug
  • Customize notice message when editing language
  • Fix bug: nav menu items couldn’t be hidden
  • Improve default post type options settings
  • Enable nav menu item classes translation


  • Improve search in sub-languages
  • Fix bug when saving multiple posts at once in admin
  • Fix bug when upgrading from 1.x with orphan translation posts


  • When upgrading, ajax_frontend option should default true
  • On activation, set main language post_content (locale code)
  • Query post_status when quering languages
  • Fix error in translate_menu_nav_item()
  • Set db_version to ‘2.0’ also when there is nothing to upgrade
  • Fix error when translatable post meta value is an array


  • The core of Sublanguage have been rewriten in order to improve general performances and compatibility
  • Store posts and terms translations in postmeta/termmeta instead of child posts/terms
  • Bugs fixed in rewrite URL
  • User interface restructuration


  • Change way of retrieving post_type for post archive link queries
  • Function ‘translate_post_type_archive_link’ now also translate the main language slug for post type archives
  • Put back soft translations for post_content, post_title and post_excerpt. Data are translated twice, but compatibility is improved.
  • “add_{$meta_type}metadata” and “update{$meta_type}_metadata” filters now return correct value
  • When preparing attachment data for saving, only filter fields when doing AJAX, in order to support old media interface.
  • add html classes to language switch items in the menu for styling
  • add filter ‘sublanguage_insert_post_data’ after parsing post data before updating post


  • Removed translation filter on ‘posts_clause’ when posts were queried by name or postname. Issue with ‘page_for_posts’.
  • Hard translate post_content, post_title, post_excerpt to resolve issue with “more” tag
  • Remove soft translations for post_content, post_title and post_excerpt
  • stripslashes options when translating


  • Correct link url when inserting internal link from editor links popup in admin
  • Better language detection with Autodetect Language option
  • Fix a bug occuring when language switch is used in more than one menu
  • Redirect correctly when Auto-detect language is on and show language slug is off
  • Syntaxical changes to prepare 2.0 migration
  • Remove html escaping when saving option translation
  • When gettign translate, “sublanguage_hide” meta key never inherit value


  • Correct an error when translating nav menu titles
  • Correct an error in javascript when saving option translation


  • New UI for options translation
  • New UI for postmeta registration
  • New UI for nav menu item translation
  • New UI for custom post type translation (when no admin_ui provided)
  • New API for import posts and terms
  • New language switch interface in post admin
  • Changes in admin menu: Sublanguage is now a top level page
  • Improvement and simplification in term url (get_term_link) translation


  • Bug fix: Sub-taxonomy archive pages returned incorrect results when taxonomy rewrite slug was different from taxonomy name
  • Bug fix: embed shortcodes were not active because the_content filter was called too late
  • Bug fix: some table views buttons were unproperly encoded and did’t work


  • Adds Sublanguage_site::get_default_language_switch function
  • Bug fix: terms were not translated correctly when using shared terms (on wp_term_taxonomy table).
  • Bug fix: removed use of filter for 'home_url' except in post.php page, in order to prevent possible bugs when rebuilding permalinks
  • Bug fix: styles in admin terms UI


  • Adds optional context parameter for sublanguage_print_language_switch and sublanguage_custom_switch hooks
  • load_plugin_textdomain now only called in admin.
  • Deprecate sublanguage_current_language. Use sublanguage_init instead.
  • Deprecate sublanguage_load_admin. No alternative.
  • Bug fix: Multiple errors occured when option was not set
  • Bug fix: Multiple errors occured when no languages post type was set.


  • Improves sublanguage_translate_term_field to allow translation in any language
  • Improves sublanguage_translate_post_field to allow translation in any language
  • Adds sublanguage_enqueue_terms action to handle custom translation terms query
  • Adds sublanguage_enqueue_posts action to handle custom translation posts query
  • Bug fix: Terms order was incorrect when queried order was by name, description or slug on secondary language
  • Bug fix: Posts order was incorrect when queried order was by name or title on secondary language
  • Bug fix: translation terms taxonomy was incorrectly associated to post object type when registered
  • Bug fix: Terms were incorrectly cached when multiple taxonomies were queried at once


  • Support for hreflang tag
  • Add filter to determine whether empty translated post meta values override originals
  • Automatically create term translation when term is created when not on main language
  • Improved multilanguage search
  • Bug fix: switching language on search page was incorrectly redirecting to home
  • Bug fix: getting post meta values without providing key value now return correct values
  • Bug fix: translate_post_type_archive_link() function did not return the correct link for main language if it was edited.
  • Bug fix: problems occured when tag was added while not on main language
  • Bug fix: using sublanguage_custom_switch hook with only one language was causing error


  • Bug fix: language was mixed when inserting media into post when media and post languages did not match.
  • Bug fix: changing language on wp-admin/post.php triggered ajax of all submit buttons, including Delete in Custom Fields box, which deleted all post meta.
  • Bug fix: terms translations where not properly deleted when original terms were deleted
  • Bug fix: tags name in Tags box on wp-admin/post.php were not translated
  • Bug fix: language was not properly sent by ajax when using GET method
  • Bug fix: result of get_terms was not properly translated when only names were queried
  • Bug fix: deleting a post was throwing a notice
  • Updating from 1.4.3 or before cleans database from all orphan terms


  • Bug fix: editing fields in media interface sometimes failed to save


  • Bug fix: notice was thrown on plugin activation since 1.4
  • Bug fix: Error were thrown when quick editing language post slug
  • Bug fix: correct save button appearance in tinymce interface


  • Bug fix: added registration_redirect function. Language was lost after registering.
  • Bug fix: translate_login_url. Language was lost on login screen when english was not the main language.
  • Bug fix: sublanguage_translate_post_field. Filter was not called in admin.


  • Add support for attachment translation
  • Add support to handle editor button in Tinymce Advanced Plugin –
  • Undocumented bug fixes


  • Tinymce plugin, a fast interface for managing posts translations.
  • Support widget
  • Undocumented bug fixes


  • Bug fix: term description is now correctly translated.
  • Bug fix: draft languages are no longer present in front-end language switch.


Some changes in readme file and adding medias (screenshots, banner, etc.).


Undocumented modifications.


Undocumented modifications.