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Flow Fields


Flow Fields is a WordPress plugin that allows you to easily add custom fields to your posts, pages, and other custom post types. It is designed to be lightweight and intuitive, while providing a robust set of features for managing custom fields.

With Flow Fields, you can create custom meta boxes with fields such as text, number, date, file, image, textarea, repeater, and more. You can also set default values, specify required fields, and add instructions for each field.

In the near future, we plan to add support for custom post type management, taxonomies, and shortcodes.


To create a custom meta box with fields, go to the “Flow Boxes” menu in the WordPress dashboard and click “Add New Box”. Give your meta box a title and select the post types that it should apply to. Submit the box, then click “Fields & Options” Then, click “Add Field” to add a field to your meta box.

There are many different field types to choose from, including text, number, date, file, image, textarea, repeater, and more.

Once you’ve added all of your fields, click “Save Meta Box” to save your changes. Your custom meta box will now be displayed on the edit screen for your selected post types.

To get the value of a custom field in your code, you can use the get_field() function. This function takes three parameters: the field’s key and the post ID and format (sanitizes data on true/false). It will return the value of the field for the given post.



Upload the flow-fields folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

Preguntas frecuentes

What post types does Flow Fields support?

Flow Fields supports all post types, including posts, pages, and custom post types.

Is Flow Fields a stable release? What can I expect in future updates?

Flow Fields is currently in alpha release, which means that while it’s fully functional, it’s still being actively developed and tested. In future updates, we plan to add many more options and features to make it a more robust and powerful tool for managing custom fields in WordPress. We’ll be adding support for custom post types, taxonomies, and shortcodes, as well as improving the overall user experience and adding more flexibility to the fields themselves. Keep an eye out for updates and feel free to contact us with any feedback or feature requests.


15 de junio de 2023
Really nice starting point – I realize there’s a long way to go through, but so far it does the job for simpler projects.
Leer toda la 1 reseña

Colaboradores y desarrolladores

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Registro de cambios


Initial release of Flow Fields.


Fix: Empty repeater throwing out an error due to invalid JSON content


Fix: PHP Notices about unset array keys on box save event
Plugin: Tested up to WP 6.2.2


Fix: Fixed layout issues in some browsers, changed font sizes and paddings
Change: Plugin manager can now be selected from a dropdown instead of writing the domain name
Improvement: Field width setting will default to percentage if no unit provided


Fix : Advanced Themer ACF compatibility 
New : Gallery field type


Fix : Field type select showing wrong values after Submit
Fix : Added admin notices on box Submit
Fix : Added admin notice if a box has been imported, but its post type is missing on this site
Fix : Field type icons visibility after "Add new field" button click
Fix : Minor styling changes
New : Set dropdown / checkboxes / radio buttons label and value


Fix : Headers already sent notice on redirects 
New : Initial release with fields conditional logic


Fix : Database upgrade update.


New : Number field options
Improve : Conditional logic got dynamic operators, new triggers (gallery and repeater), value field shows dynamically when required.


Fix : Repeater children were not being saved inside of the repeater since the last update
New : Custom post types management initial release
New : Taxonomies management initial release


Fix: Several DB and import tool fixes
New: Database removal on deactivation need to be set in the settings, as opposed to auto-removal


Fix : Missing files in the last release


Fix : Second new field's type in the repeater can't be changed before submit
Fix : Second new text type field does not have prepend options
Fix : Notices on fields update regarding legacy options
Fix : Widths not defaulting to percentage if a value is numerical
Fix : Changed output fields layout to flexbox to improve design controls
New : Default value for fields
New : Required attribute for fields


New : Bricks Builder - dynamic data compatibility
New : Bricks Builder - Query Loop compatibility for repeaters
Fix : submit's z-index on fields management
Fix : Gallery showing full-size images on preview
Fix : PHP Warnings on repeater fields save


Fix : Supports not being saved for CPT
Fix : After removing the last row of a repeater it was not possible to add a new one without a page reload
Fix : Renaming slug of a repeater was causing PHP notices to be showing
Fix : Incorrect sanitization of texteareas output causing broken HTML in some cases
Fix : Overlapping toast notifications
Fix : Header on its place despite 3rd party notices
Fix : Possible to discard notifiactions with a click
Fix : Box's post types not being shown on field boxes after submitting a form
Fix : Fixed admin access permissions on settings page
Fix : Saving a new repeater with new subfields resulting in subfields not being saved the first time.
New : New dashicons for CPTs
New : "Select" alias for "dropdown" field type so its possible to search it using both forms
New : Show a number of fields in a repeater